You can find out everything about Kaminwurzen in this article:
- Why are Kaminwurzen called that?
The name Kaminwurzen comes from the fact that the smokehouse used to be located right next to the fireplace. The word Wurz is simply an old name for sausage.
- What are Kaminwurzen actually?
Kaminwurzen are smoked and air-dried raw sausages that actually only need 3 ingredients. Meat, salt and a spicy intestine. Of course, depending on your preference, you can add pepper, garlic, chili, juniper and much more. They usually consist of around 70% fatty pork and 30% lean beef. However, it is possible to make Kaminwurzen with any meat. Hirschkaminwurzen are particularly popular with their even stronger aroma.
- How do you eat Kaminwurzen correctly?
The Kaminwurzen are cut into thin slices on the classic bacon board. It is also common to simply bite them off as a snack between meals. Our nibbles, the small, thin mini Kaminwurzen, are particularly suitable for this. Kaminwurzen is eaten raw. However, they should be properly matured to develop the full flavor.
- How do you store Kaminwurzen?
Vacuum-packed Kaminwurzen can easily be stored in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar. Theoretically, Kaminwurzen last forever if stored correctly. However, over time they dry out more and more and therefore become too hard. If the Kaminwurzen are too raw/meaty, you can let them ripen in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar.
- How much do Kaminwurzen cost?
The price of Kaminwurzen can vary greatly and depends on quality, meat, size, maturation, etc. In South Tyrol, a Kaminwurz costs around €1 - €1.5 and weighs around 70g.